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Full text of "NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19730021776: Materials technology programs in support of a mercury Rankine space power system"

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NASA TN D-7355 


by Phillip L. Stone 

Lewis Research Center 
Cleveland, Ohio 4413 3 


1. Report No, 2. Government Accession No. 

NASA TN D-7355 

3. Recipient's Catalog No. 

4. Title and Subtitle 


5. Report Date 

September 1973 

6. Performing Organization Code 

7, Author(s) 

Phillip L. Stone 

8. Performing Organization Report No. 


10. Work Unit No. 


9. Performing Organization Name and Address 

Lewis Research Center j 

National Aeronautics and Space Administration 
Cleveland, Ohio 44135 

1 1 . Contract or Grant No. 

13. Type of Report and Period Covered 

Technical Note 

12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 

National Aeronautics and Space Administration 

Washington, D. C. 20546 


14. Sponsoring Agency Code 

15. Supplementary Notes 

16. Abstract 

This report summarizes a large portion of the materials technology that was generated in support 
of the development of a mercury -rankine space power system (SNAP -8) . The primary areas of 
investigation reported are (1) the compatibility of various construction materials with the liquid 
metals mercury and NaK, (2) the mechanical properties of unalloyed tantalum, and (3) the devel- 
opment of refractory metal /austenitic stainless steel tubing and transition joints. The primary 
results, conclusions, and state of technology at the completion of this effort for each of these 
areas are summarized in this report. Results of possible significance to other applications are 

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Mercury Corrosion 4 

Conventional alloys 4 

Refractory metals 6 

Cavitation damage . 8 

NaK Corrosion 9 

Conventional iron- and nickel-base alloys 9 

Refractory metals ll 


Tensile Properties 12 

Creep Properties . . 14 

Low Cycle Fatigue Tests . . . . 15 


Initial Investigations . . 18 

Tantalum/316 Stainless Steel Tubing Development 20 

General . 20 

Hot coextruded tubing - mandrel 24 

Hot coextruded tubing - filled billet . 24 

Explosion welded tubing 25 

Evaluation of tantalum/316 stainless steel bimetallic tubing 25 

Tantalum/316 Stainless Steel Transition Joint Development 28 

General . 28 

Brazed joints 29 

Hot coextruded joints ................................ 31 

Evaluation of joints 32 







by Phillip L Stone 
Lewis Research Center 


During the development of the SNAP-8 mercury -rankine space power system, a sig- 
nificant amount of support materials technology was performed at the NASA -Lewis 
Research Center and at other laboratories under NASA contract. This technology was 
primarily concerned with (1) the compatibility of some conventional alloys and refractory 
metals with two liquid metals, mercury (Hg) and a sodium -potassium eutectic alloy 
(NaK) , (2) the determination of the mechanical properties of unalloyed tantalum (Ta) , 
and (3) the fabrication and evaluation of refractory metal/austenitic alloy (primarily 
Ta/316 stainless steel (316 SS)) bimetallic tubing and transition joints. 

Asa result of this materials support work, the following conclusions were made: 

(1) The refractory metals Ta, niobium-1 -percent zirconium (Nb-lZr), and the Ta alloy 
T-lll should not be attacked by liquid Hg at temperatures up to 650° C (1200° F) . 

(2) The NaK corrosion rates of the major SNAP -8 primary reactor loop materials, 
Hastelloy N and 316 SS, appear to be acceptably low «0.004 cm/10 4 hr or < 0.0015 
in./10 4 hr) at temperatures up to 700° C (1300° F), providing that the oxygen level in 
the NaK is maintained at less than 30 ppm. (3) Tantalum having a uniformly distributed 
oxygen concentration of 115 ppm or less should not be attacked by purified NaK at tem- 
peratures up to 730° C (1350° F). (4) Recrystallized fine-grained Ta tubing is more 
creep resistant under uniaxial loading than large -grained material at 730° C (1350° F). 

(5) Recrystallized Ta bar has a low-cycle fatigue life in excess of 1000 cycles at a plas- 
tic strain range of 0.02 centimeter per centimeter (in. /in.) at temperatures up to 
730° C (1350° F). (6) Welded butt joints, tee joints, and tube-to-header joints for re- 
fractory metal/austenitic alloy tubing can be successfully produced. (7) The most suit- 
able refractory metal/austenitic alloy bimetallic combination to be used as tubing for Hg 
containment at temperatures to 730° C (1350° F) is Ta/316 SS. (8) A successful fabrica- 
tion method for producing Ta/316 SS bimetallic transition joints involves brazing and a 
tongue -in -groove design. 


This report summarizes a large portion of the materials technology that was devel- 
oped in support of a previously planned nuclear, mercury- rankine space-power genera- 
tion system termed SNAP-8. (A summary of the SNAP- 8 program, since completed, can 
be found in ref. 1. ) Most of this materials technology has been previously reported, but 
in so many diverse ways and places and under so many different titles, as to make it ex- 
tremely difficult to develop total context or to reach overall conclusions. It is, there- 
fore, the primary purpose of this report to summarize the major results of these many 
efforts and to give more comprehensive overall conclusions so that future investigators 
may have readily available information upon which to build. Although many other mate- 
rials investigations in support of SNAP- 8 were performed by Aerojet General Corpora- 
tion, NASA’s prime contractor for this system (ref. 1), the work described in this report 
was performed either at the NASA-Lewis Research Center or under other NASA con- 
tracts. More detailed discussion of each of the studies covered can be found in the refer- 
ences cited. 

The original goal of the SNAP -8 mercury- rankine system was to provide 35 kilo- 
watts of electrical power (kW ) for space applications for at least 10 000 hours. This 


goal gradually evolved to a 90 kW requirement and a 40 000 hour life. In both cases, 


thermal energy for the system was provided by a uranium -hydride- fueled nuclear reac- 
tor, which was cooled by flowing liquid sodium-potassium eutectic alloy (NaK). The NaK 
was pumped to a heat exchanger (boiler) where it transmitted its thermal energy to the 
mercury (Hg) working fluid. (See fig. 1 for a SNAP -8 power conversion system sche- 

Figure 1. - SNAP-8 power conversion system schematic. 



matic. ) The Hg was boiled and superheated, and flowed to a turbine alternator, which 
generated the electrical power. The Hg was then condensed and pumped back to the 
boiler. Cycle waste energy was removed from the condenser-heat exchanger to a radia- 
tor by means of another pumped-NaK loop for rejection to the space environment. 

It was originally assumed that this SNAP -8 system could readily build on existing 
technology from the similar SNAP-2 system (mercury -rankine, 3 kW g ), and thus no 
significant effort would be required in the materials development area. But, shortly 
after the SNAP -8 program began, it was apparent that SNAP -2 technology was generally 
inadequate and that the materials area would involve a great amount of technology devel- 
opment. The most difficult materials problems were in the realm of Hg containment, 
particularly in the Hg boiler. The boiler was first constructed of the cobalt -base alloy 
L-605. When serious Hg corrosion of this alloy was observed, an interim change to 
9-percent-chromium - 1-percent-molybdenum steel was made. Finally, it was deter- 
mined that a refractory metal was required to reliably achieve the desired Hg corrosion 
resistance and system life. Unalloyed tantalum (Ta) was chosen. It was believed nec- 
essary to isolate the Ta from the flowing NaK stream to prevent it from gettering such 
ductility impairing elements as carbon and nitrogen. To this end, two boiler designs 
were initiated, both of which are described in more detail later in this report. One de- 
sign used tantalum /austenitic stainless steel (SS) bimetallic tubing. The other design 
involved the use of a double -containment configuration in which several unalloyed Ta 
tubes, each surrounded successively by nonflowing NaK and a stainless steel tube, were 
further contained in a stainless steel outer boiler shell within which the primary loop 
NaK flowed. This desigii employed a Ta/316 SS transition joint at each end of the boiler . 

The materials investigations discussed in this report were therefore primarily con- 
cerned with three areas (1) the compatibility of some conventional iron, nickel, and 
cobalt-base alloys and some refractory metals with Hg and NaK, (2) the determination 
of design -allowable mechanical properties of unalloyed Ta, and (3) the fabrication and 
evaluation of refractory metal /austenitic alloy bimetallic tubing and transition joints. 


At various times during the conduct of the SNAP-8 program it became necessary to 
determine the compatibility of certain candidate SNAP -8 construction materials with Hg 
and NaK. Many of these corrosion studies, concerned with conventional iron, nickel, 
and cobalt-base alloys and also refractory metals, were conducted either at NASA-Lewis 
or at other laboratories working under contract to Lewis. The studies included capsule 
tests, loop tests, and cavitation experiments. The highlights and prime conclusions of 
these studies are summarized in the following sections. 


Mercury Corrosion 

Conventional alloys . - Initially, a cobalt base alloy, L-605, was selected as the ref- 
erence fabrication material for the SNAP-8 system because of its apparent successful 
use in the SNAP -2 system. In order to determine the Hg corrosion resistance of L-605 
at system temperatures, reflux capsule tests and a pumped -loop test were conducted at 
Lewis (refs. 2 and 3). Several materials other than L-605 were also tested as reflux 
capsules. They were 9Cr-lMo steel, the cobalt-base alloy H-8187, and the iron-base 
alloys AM 350 and AM 355. No nickel-base alloys were tested because of the poor Hg 
corrosion results previously obtained at TRW, Inc. , in support of the SNAP-2 program 
(refs. 4 and 5). 

The reflux capsule tests were conducted over the temperature range 540° to 700° C 
(1100° to 1300° F) for times up to 5000 hours. The results of the tests indicated gross 
Hg attack of all materials other than the 9Cr-lMo steel. Comparative photomicrographs 
of L-605 and 9Cr-lMo steel are shown in figure 2. The L-605 developed a deep porous 
layer, and the 9Cr-lMo attack consisted of only a shallow surface effect. 

9Cr-lMo Steel 


Figure 2, - Typical appearance of mercury-corroded areas of reflux cap- 
sules. Photomicrographs of longitudinal section of capsule wall. 
Capsule inner surface at far right of photomicrograph. Unetched; 
test temperature, 590° C (1100° FI; test period, 1000 hours (ref. 2 ). 


Figure 3. - NASA - Haynes 25 mercury corrosion loop (ref. 3). 

The L-605 corrosion loop (fig. 3) was operated for 1147 hours at a peak liquid tem- 
perature of 580° C (1075° F) and at an average liquid velocity of 240 centimeters per 
second (8 ft/sec). The corroded porous layer thickness observed was 0. 020 to 0. 025 
centimeter (0. 008 to 0. 010 in. ). This was approximately 10 times that observed in the 
reflux capsule tests for approximately the same test time. The increased corrosion was 
attributed to the effect of the higher Hg liquid velocity in the loop test. 

Based on the results of the capsule and loop tests, it was concluded that L-605 was 
not a good Hg containment material for SNAP -8 use. Thus, it was decided to substitute 
9Cr-tMo steel as the SNAP -8 boiler reference material. 

Following the decision to change to 9Cr-lMo steel as the boiler reference material, 
a contract was awarded to TRW, Inc. , for the construction and operation of a Hg forced 
circulation loop to further study corrosion mechanisms in 9Cr-lMo steel and also cor- 
rosion product separation techniques (ref. 6) . This loop (fig. 4) was operated for 2918 
hours at an average boiling temperature of 580° C (1075° F) and at an average liquid 
velocity of 0.61 centimeter per second (0.02 ft/sec). The corrosion of the 9Cr-lMo 
steel was insignificant. But in retrospect, it was believed that the low liquid velocity in 
the loop, compared with the velocities newly being projected for SNAP -8, rendered the 
corrosion results to be of little direct applicability to the new system requirements. 
However, the corrosion product separators in the vapor portion of the system removed 
about 54 percent of the total corrosion products found in the system, and the separator 
in the liquid region removed about 25 percent. Based on this success, it was concluded 
that separators could also be effective in a larger system should the need arise. 

Some Hg corrosion loop testing of 9Cr-lMo steel was also conducted by Aerojet 
General Corporation under the scope of the SNAP-8 prime contract (ref. 7). This test- 
ing established conclusively that Hg corrosion of 9Cr-lMo steel was velocity dependent. 
Also, at the velocities required in the boiler for stable Hg boiling, the corrosion rate 


Wmimm Superheater heaters 

Figure 4 - TRW 9Cr-lMo steel mercury corrosion loop (ref. 6). 

was considered to be unacceptable for the required 10 000-hour system life (i. e. , a uni- 
form 0.0025 cm/100 hr or 0.001 in. /100 hr). 

Although it was not expected to be more Hg corrosion resistant than 9Cr-lMo steel, 
a modified 9Cr-lMo steel was also used for SNAP -8 boiler construction. This material 
was considerably stronger than the standard alloy as a result of the addition of very 
small amounts of niobium, vanadium, boron, nitrogren, and zirconium and the use of 
a 1040° C (1900° F) normalize and 730° C (1350° F) temper heat treatment. The im- 
proved strength properties are clearly illustrated in figure 5 in which the modified alloy 
in the normalized and tempered condition is compared with standard 9Cr-lMo steel, 

304 SS, and 316 SS, all in the annealed condition. The modified alloy indicated no ther- 
mally induced instabilities even after 18 000 hours of stress-rupture testing at 650° C 
(1200° F) . 

Refractory metals . - As a result of the 9Cr-lMo steel Hg corrosion testing, this 
material was replaced by unalloyed Ta as the SNAP -8 boiler reference material. The 
selection of Ta was based primarily on the minimum solubility of Ta in Hg at tempera- 
tures well above the 590° C (1100° F) Hg boiling temperature, as determined at the 


25 . — 

700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 

Temperature, °F 

Figure 5. - Strength properties of modified 9 Cr-l Mo steel and other conven- 
tional materials as function of temperature. Note: Allowable stress values 
are from the ASME boiler and pressure vessel code. 

Brookhaven National Laboratory under an AEC sponsored program (ref. 8) . The 
Brookhaven data are shown in figure 6. When Ta was selected as the SNAP-8 boiler 
reference material, it was recognized that other refractory alloys such as niobium - 
1-percent zirconium (Nb-lZr) and T-lll (nominal composition, Ta-8W-2Hf) offered 
higher strengths and probably improved corrosion resistance to NaK. But the main 
deterrent to their use was the uncertainty of their resistance to Hg corrosion, particu- 
larly in the strained state. Data from reference 8 had indicated possible problems in 
that regard. Since it was possible, however, that it might become necessary to change 
to a higher strength refractory alloy, a test program was initiated to ascertain whether 
Hg corrosion and/or stress corrosion problems actually existed with Nb-lZr and T-lll. 

The test program was conducted under NASA sponsorship by the General Electric 
Company (ref. 9). Sheet specimens of Ta, Nb-lZr, and T-lll in the as-bent and in 
several as-bent -and-annealed conditions were exposed to liquid Hg isothermally in tan- 
talum capsules at 650° C (1200° F) for 1000 hours. All specimens were totally unaffected 
by this exposure. It was therefore concluded that either Nb-lZr or T-lll could be sub- 
stituted for Ta in the SNAP -8 system should the need arise. 

Some Hg corrosion testing of Ta was also conducted by Aerojet General Corporation 
under the scope of the SNAP -8 prime contract (refs. 1, 10, and 11). Included in the 
testing was an 8700-hour test of a full-size SNAP-8 Hg boiler. General Electric Com- 


780 727 679 636 596 560 527 496 

Temperature, °C 

Figure 6. - Solubility of elements in mercury 
(ref. .8). 

pany tested another full-size SNAP -8 boiler for 15 250 hours (ref. 12). In none of these 
tests did the Ta show any sign of Hg attack, thus verifying its acceptability for long- 
term service. 

Cavitation damage . - Based on early 9Cr-lMo steel corrosion loop testing (ref. 7), 
it appeared that certain mechanisms present during the Hg boiling process might re- 
semble a cavitation situation. As a result, studies were initiated at Lewis (ref. 13) and 
at the University of Michigan (ref. 14) to determine simulated cavitation effects of Hg on 
various materials. At Lewis, 9Cr-lMo steel was compared with three materials be- 
lieved to have good resistance to cavitation damage due to their strength and/or hard- 
ness: L-605, Hastelloy X, and Stellite 6B. The test specimens were vibrated in 150° C 
(300° F) liquid Hg at 25 000 hertz at a peak -to -peak displacement amplitude of 0.0045 
centimeter (0.00175 in.). The 9Cr-lMo steel was the least cavitation resistant of the 
materials tested (see fig. 7). In the University of Michigan study, Ta was compared 
with 9Cr-lMo steel and niobium in liquid Hg at 260° C (500° F). The frequency of vi- 
bration of the test specimens was 20 000 hertz, and the amplitude was 0.05 centimeter 
(0.002 in.). It was determined that Ta was considerably less resistant to cavitation 
damage than was the 9Cr-lMo steel. 


Annealed 9Cr-lMo Steel (1 hr) 

Hastelloy X (1 hr) 

L-605 11 hr) Stellite 6B (2 hr) 

Figure 7. - Damaged surfaces of specimens after exposure to cavitation in mercury at 150° C 
(300° F) (from ref. 13). 

Based on the results of these tests, it was concluded that neither 9Cr-lMo steel nor 
Ta would be very resistant to cavitation should such a phenomenon actually be present 
in a SNAP -8 boiler. But the subsequent Ta corrosion testing revealed no evidence of 
cavitation damage (refs. 1 and 10 to 12) . Thus it was concluded that either no cavitation 
situation actually existed in the boiler or that cavitation effects were greatly exaggerated 
in the laboratory simulation tests. 

NaK Corrosion 

Conventional iron- and nickel -base alloys . - While 9Cr-lMo steel was the reference 
material for SNAP -8, an engineering evaluation of the compatibility of the primary loop 
constructional materials with the NaK reactor coolant was performed . The main goal 
was to determine where the maximum corrosive attack would occur and how severe it 
would be. Asa result, a NaK corrosion loop program was contracted to the Oak Ridge 
National Laboratory (ORNL) (ref. 15). Eleven multimaterial loops, constructed of 


Figure 8. - Diagram of Oak Ridge National Laboratory NaK corrosion loops <ref. 15). 

tubular sections of 316 SS, 9Cr-lMo steel , the nickel-base alloy Hastelloy N, and 
347 SS (fig. 8) , were operated for times ranging between 700 and 5200 hours at maxi- 
mum NaK temperatures of 700°, 760°, or 790° C (1300°, 1400°, or 1450° F). The 
700° C (1300° F) loops were of the greatest interest because they were expected to be 
the most representative of the actual conditions at the SNAP -8 reactor outlet. The NaK 
used was reactor grade. 

Corrosion of Hastelloy N (the material that was expected to be the most adversely 
affected in the SNAP- 8 primary loop, based on previous ORNL data from sodium experi- 
ments) was less than 0.004 centimeter per 10 4 hours (0.0015 in. /10 4 hr) at 700° C 
(1300° F) and at a NaK oxygen level of less than 30 ppm. This was believed to be ac- 
ceptably low for a long-life system. At the same NaK oxygen level, the iron-base alloys 
exhibited minimal corrosive attack. A NaK oxygen level of 80 ppm did not noticeably 
change the corrosion rate of the Hastelloy N. The iron -base alloys, however, were sig- 
nificantly adversely affected at this higher oxygen level. One deleterious effect of NaK 
exposure was the decarburization of the 9Cr-lMo steel and concurrent carburization of 
the 300-series stainless steels. This loss of carbon reduced the 1000-hour stress rup- 
ture strength of the 9Cr-lMo steel by about 40 percent. 

In addition to the corrosion portion of the program, ORNL was to provide informa- 
tion on the behavior and control of the hydrogen (from the reactor fuel) present in the 
NaK and on the diffusion of hydrogen from the primary loop into the power conversion 
Hg loop. From these hydrogen investigations, it was concluded that NaK hydride would 


precipitate in the NaK loop at a temperature of 160° C (320° F). It was also determined 
that the level of hydrogen in the NaK loop could be significantly reduced by means of a 
2. 5-percent bypass flow through a 130° C (260° F) cold trap, or by the use of a small 
quantity (about 0. 1 wt. %) of lithium in the NaK to getter the hydrogen. The resultant 
hydride could then be effectively cold trapped at a higher temperature (i. e. , 200° to 
260° C or 400° to 500° F). The permeability of the primary loop materials to hydrogen 
was also experimentally determined. 

Refractory metals . - It is known that oxygen-contaminated Ta is subject to corro- 
sive attack by NaK at elevated temperatures. The extent and character of the attack is 
dependent both on the bulk oxygen level and on the distribution of the oxygen in the Ta. 
Since there was a considerable amount of Ta in contact with NaK (albeit nonflowing NaK) 
in the double containment boiler, it was important to determine quantitatively the extent 

and character of NaK corrosion over the probable range of oxygen levels and oxygen dis- 
tributions in the Ta. 

This contracted test program was conducted by the General Electric Company 
(ref. 16). Tantalum specimens were purposely contaminated to achieve homogeneous 
oxygen concentrations of 115, 220, 270, or 520 ppm. Additional contaminated and un- 
contaminated specimens were gas tungsten-arc (GTA) welded in pure helium or helium 
contaminated with air to evaluate the combined effects of welding, welding gas purity, 
and preweld oxygen concentration of the Ta on the corrosion resistance of the Ta to NaK. 
The specimens were subsequently exposed to reactor grade NaK at 730° C (1350° F) for 
1000 hours in isothermal capsule tests to determine the threshold oxygen concentration 
for corrosion. Some specimens were also exposed at 650° C (1200° F) for 100 hours to 
determine the effects of temperature and time on corrosion. 

The two major conclusions of this test program were as follows: (1) Tantalum hav- 
ing a uniformly distributed oxygen concentration of about 115 ppm or less will not be at- 
tacked by NaK at temperatures up to 730° C (1350° F), but attack on the Ta will definite- 
ly occur at a uniformly distributed oxygen concentration of 270 ppm and above (fig. 9(a)). 
(2) Gas tungsten arc welding of contaminated Ta specimens changed the morphology of 
the subsequent NaK corrosion; that is, the corrosion generally was worse in the weld 
and heat affected zone than in the base metal (fig. 9). 


When the SNAP -8 double containment boiler was being designed, very little tensile 
data and virtually no long-time creep or low-cycle fatigue data were available for un- 
alloyed Ta at 730° C (1350° F) and below. Therefore, a series of mechanical property 
tests were conducted to obtain these data. AH tests were performed under contract to 
Lewis. The results are summarized in the following sections. 

Tensile Properties 

The Ta tensile testing program was conducted by Metcut Research Associates. 

Specimens from the actual lots of tubing, plate, sheet, and bar that were to be used in 

the fabrication of the boilers were tested. Uniaxial tensile specimens were machined 

from longitudinal elements of the seamless boiler tubing and were tested with special 

grips designed to accommodate the tube curvature. All elevated temperature tests were 

-4 fi 

conducted in a vacuum of <6.7X10 newton per square meter (5x10 torr) ; most of the 
specimens were tested at 730° C (1350° F). Results of the tests are presented in refer- 
ences 17 and 18. Table I is a summary of these data. 




Tantalum material 


Tensile strength 

Yield strength 



of area, 




MN/m 2 


MN/m 2 


0.396 cm (0.156 in.) 




































18. 1 





0.409 cm (0.161 in.) 




17. 7 

















0.635 cm (0.250 in. ) 
















1 I 
























2. 54 cm (1.00 in.) 























2.54 cm (1.00 in.) 






















1.65-cm (0.652-in.) 








a 63 

i.d. by 0. 13-cm 






b 71 

(0.051 -in.) wall 






c 67 






C 59 






d 65 






e 70 












f 67 






f 67 






f 68 




26 . 2 

































10 . 1 



























a Heat A, c Heat C. e Heat E. 

b Heat B. d Heafc D. f Heat F. 


340, — 

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 

Test temperature, °F 

Figure 10. - Ultimate tensile and yield strength of unalloyed recrystallized tantalum tubing. 

Figure 10 is a plot of the ultimate tensile and yield strength data for the tubing 
(averaged). At 730° C (1350° F) the most extensive scatter in the test results for a given 
shape was observed for the tubing specimens (see table I). This may have been the re- 
sult of the slight chemistry variations from heat to heat and/or the grain size variations 
(ASTM grain size No. 3 to 7) from tube to tube. The greatest scatter in data occurred 
among the different shapes, that is, tubing, plate, sheet, and bar. This was expected 
because the thermomechanical history for each shape was different and this is known to 
noticeably affect the mechanical properties of most materials. All materials tested 
showed adequate tensile properties for their intended applications in the boiler. The goal 
for the tubing was 0. 2 -percent yield strength and an ultimate tensile strength about as 
high as 9Cr-lMo steel at 730° C (1350° F), that is, 55 and 110 meganewtons per square 
meter (8.0 and 16.0 ksi), respectively. 

Creep Properties 

A uniaxial creep testing program was conducted by TRW, Inc. (ref. 19). The high- 
est stresses on the Ta, as determined by a stress analysis of the boiler, existed in the 
Ta tubing and in the Ta dome -shaped manifold. Therefore, most of the creep specimens 
were machined from the actual lots of tubing (1. 65 -cm (0. 652-in. ) i. d. and 0. 13 -cm 
(0.051 -in. ) wall thickness) to be used in the boilers or from the actual sheets 
(0. 41 -cm (0. 16-in.) thick) from which the manifolds were to be formed. A sheet speci- 


men was also tested in a prestrained condition to simulate the actual manifolds, which 
are strained 35 to 45 percent during fabrication. The tubing specimens were machined 
so as to concentrate the stress in the gage area. All tests were conducted in a vacuum 
of 1.3x10 newton per square meter (1x10 torr), and most were tested at 730 C 
(1350° F) . 

The results for the tubing specimens fell into two separate ranges, depending on the 
grain size of the test material. (Typical results are shown in fig. 11(a) .) The larger 
grained specimens (ASTM grain size No. 3 to 4) tended to be weaker than the smaller 
grained specimens (ASTM grain size No. 4 to 7) , which is typical of material tested be- 
low its equicohesive temperature. Steady-state creep rate for the small-grained speci- 
mens is shown in figure 11(b). The aforementioned prestrained sheet specimen was de- 
formed 30 percent before testing, which was the maximum uniform elongation that could 
be achieved. This was considered to be an adequate first-order approximation of the 
condition of the material after forming into the dome-shaped manifold. The results of 
this test revealed a drastic difference between the recrystallized and prestrained mate- 
rial. The time to 1 percent creep at 44. 8 meganewtons per square meter (6500 psi) and 
730° C (1350° F) for the recrystallized material was 45 hours and for the prestrained 
material about 37 000 hours (extrapolated from a 4900-hr test). It is possible that in 
service some stress relieving might occur, but the actual stress on the manifold was 
not actually expected to be as high as the test point stress. It was concluded, therefore, 
that the Ta dome-shaped manifold would have adequate creep strength for its application 
in the boiler if used in the prestrained condition. It was also concluded that recrystal- 
lized fine-grained Ta tubing (ASTM grain size No. 5, or higher) would have adequate 
creep strength for its intended application in the boiler (i. e. , <2 percent in 40 000 hr at 
730° C (1350° F) for stresses of about 20. 7 MN/m^ (3000 psi)). 

Low Cycle Fatigue Tests 

Since the SNAP-8 boiler had to be capable of 100 startups and shutdowns for ground 
testing, it was necessary to obtain data on the low-cycle fatigue behavior of unalloyed Ta. 
This testing program was conducted at the General Electric Research Laboratory 
(ref. 20). Mechanical strain was used to simulate the strain effected by the temperature 
cycles of startup and shutdown. Recrystallized 1.27 -centimeter (0, 5-in.) diameter bar 
specimens were used. Because of the extreme sensitivity of Ta to environmental con- 
tamination at high temperature, a special titanium susceptor -heater in combination with 
a highly purified flowing argon gas was used during the testing. Tests were conducted in 
a tightly sealed chamber over the temperature range 20° to 760° C (70° to 1400° F) with 
emphasis on tests at 320°, 590°, and 730° C (600°, 1100°, and 1350° F). The resulting 


Stress, MN/m2 Percent creep 

A STM grain size No. 3-4 

ASTM grain size No. 4-5 

A STM grain size No. 6-7 

(a) Effect of grain size on creep rate of unalloyed tantalum tubing. Temperature, 730° C (1350° F); stress, 
44.8 meganewtons per square meter {6500 psi). 


ASTM grain 
size No. 

°C <°F) 




730 (1350) 



6 to 7 

730 (1350) 



4 to 5 

730 (1350) 




790 (1450) 

Steady-state creep rate, percent/hr 
(b) Steady-state creep rate for unalloyed tantalum tubing. 
Figure 11. - Creep behavior of unalloyed tantalum tubing. 

Cycles to failure 

Figure 12, - Low cycle fatigue behavior of unalloyed tantalum bar. 

data are shown in figure 12 . Analysis of the data indicated that the low-cycle fatigue life 
of unalloyed Ta at the strain ranges to which it would be exposed in the SNAP -8 boiler 
(maximum of 0.02 cm/cm (in. /in.)) should be in excess of 1000 cycles. Also, fatigue 
life was not very temperature dependent over the temperature range used in these tests. 


As mentioned previously, there was two SNAP -8 boiler designs. The bimetal tube 
boiler was a counterflow design (fig. 13) using seven Ta/316 SS tubes from one boiler 
header to the other. The double containment boiler design (fig. 14) consisted of seven 
unalloyed Ta boiler tubes, each within a flattened-oval 321 SS tube, which was required 
to accommodate the difference in thermal expansion between the Ta and the 321 SS. The 
annulus between each Ta and 321 SS tube was filled with nonflowing NaK. The seven 
tubular assemblies were further contained in a 316 SS boiler outer shell within which the 
primary loop NaK flowed in a counterflow direction. The Ta mercury containment tubes 
were interconnected by Ta header-manifolds at the boiler inlet and outlet. To avoid con- 
tinuation of Ta outside the 316 SS boiler outer shell, the Ta header-manifolds were 
joined within the shell to 316 SS at the boiler inlet and outlet by means of Ta/316 SS 



Flowing NaK 

Figure 13. - SNAP-8 bimetallic tubing boiler configuration. 

transition joints. Zirconium foil was wrapped around the joints in order to protect them 
from embrittlement by any carbon and/or nitrogen that might be in the static NaK. 

Both the bimetallic tubing and bimetallic joints required considerable fabrication 
process development and evaluation. This was performed under several NASA contracts 
and the results are summarized in the following sections. 

Initial Investigation 

Early in the SNAP -8 program, consideration had been given to the possibility of 
using refractory metals such as Nb or Ta to contain the Hg working fluid in the boiler . 

It was believed at that time that steel-clad bimetallic tubing would be required to pre- 
vent the refractory metal from gettering embrittling elements, such as carbon and ni- 
trogen, from the flowing NaK stream. Experimental quantities of Nb or Ta/SS tubing 
were produced by several vendors using the following fabrication processes: hot co- 
extrusion and drawing, explosion welding and drawing, and explosion welding to size. 

A program to evaluate the various typesof bimetallic tubing and to develop welded joints 
using this tubing was conducted at the Wes ting house Astronuclear Laboratory (refs. 21 
and 22). The various types of tubing were compared on the basis of bond integrity, di- 
mensional control, and surface condition. On this basis, the Nb/316 SS tubing produced 
by hot coextrusion and drawing was considered to be the best. The weld-joint investiga- 


(b) Boiler end. 

Figure 14. - SNAP-8 double containment boiler configuration. 


tion was concerned with three basic configurations: a butt joint, a tee joint, and a tube- 
to-header joint. Coextruded and drawn Nb/316 SS tubing was used. After considerable 
experimentation, a successful design for each of the three basic configurations was de- 
veloped (figs. 15 to 17). Several of each type joint were produced and tested primarily 
to determine their ability to withstand thermal cycling between 320° and 730° C (600° 
and 1350° F) and an internal pressure of 3.9 meganewtons per square meter (565 psia) 
at 730° C (1350° F) . The test results indicated that the joints would withstand the 
SNAP-8 system operating conditions (370° C (1350° F) and 1.9 MN/m 2 (275 psia)). The 
details of the tubing evaluation and joint development efforts are described in references 
21 and 22. 

Concurrent with these programs, an investigation was conducted to determine the 
optimum refractory metal/austenitic alloy combination for use in the SNAP-8 system. 
This program was also conducted at the Westinghouse Astronuclear Laboratory (ref. 23). 
Sixteen bimetallic combinations, produced by explosion welding, were evaluated by in- 
terdiffusion experiments at 760°, 820°, and 870° C (1400°, 1500°, and 1600° F), room 
temperature tensile tests, creep-rupture tests at 730° C (1350° F), and thermal cyclic 
testing between 320° and 730° C (600° and 1350° F). The bimetals consisted of Nb, Ta, 
Nb-lZr, FS-85, or T-222 in combination with 321 and 347 SS or the nickel -base alloys 

Inconel 600 and Hastelloy N. A major finding of the program was that the bimetallic 


combinations having an interdiffusion zone thickness of less than 12.7x10 centimeter 
(5xl0“^ in.) would withstand a minimum of 20 thermal cycles between 320° and 730° C 
(600° and 1350° F) without degradation of the interface weld. It was concluded that the 
optimum refractory metal/austenitic alloy combination was tantalum/300 series stain- 
less steel, primarily on the basis of minimum interdiffusion. The details of the evalua- 
tion can be found in reference 23. 

Tantalum/316 Stainless Steel Tubing Development 

General . - As mentioned previously, evaluation of a small quantity of several simi- 
lar types of experimental bimetallic tubing had indicated that the piece of tubing pro- 
duced by hot coextrusion followed by cold drawing was the best. Other sections of tubing 
from this same lot, however, were found in other investigations to have a significant 
amount of nonwelded areas. It was therefore considered necessary to further improve 
the fabrication procedures for bimetallic tubing before tantalum/300 series stainless 
steel could be seriously considered for SNAP-8 use. Since cold drawing was apparently 
responsible for the unwelded areas observed, it was decided to investigate processes 
that excluded this step. The processes investigated were hot coextrusion to final size 
and explosion welding to final size. The stainless steel selected was type 316. Hot co- 
extrusion to size was attempted by two suppliers under NASA contract: the Nuclear 



la) Assembly view. 

Figure 16. - Niobium/316 stainless steel bimetalic tubing tee joint (ref. 21). 

L Stain less steel internal re- 
inforcement bottom section 

'-Stainless steel 
bottom section 

(b) Sequence of welding. 

Figure 16. - Concluded. 

Metals Division of the Whittaker Corporation and the Metaionics Division of the Kawecki 
Chemical Corporation. Nuclear Metals extruded over a tool steel mandrel; Metaionics 
used a filled-billet technique. Explosion welding to size was attempted by Aerojet- 
Downey, under subcontract to Aerojet-General. The tubing, in each case, was to have 
a 1. 65-centimeter (0. 652-in. ) inside diameter and be longer than 4. 6 meters (15 ft). 

The Ta wall thickness in all cases was to be 0. 051 centimeter (0. 020 in. ). The 316 SS 
wall thickness was to be 0. 152 centimeter (0.060 in. ) for the coextruded tubing and 
0.203 centimeter (0.080 in. ) for the explosion welded tubing (readily available stock). 

Hot coextruded tubing - mandrel . - The billet configuration for mandrel extrusion 
(fig. 18) consisted of four concentric cylinders: carbon steel on the inside, then Ta, 
stainless steel, and carbon steel on the outside. Carbon steel front and rear plates and 

Low carbon steel- 

y-Copper plating 

Evacuation tube-' 

Low carbon steel 
^Copper plating 
^ Low carbon steel 

— Low carbon steel 

(normally tack 
welded to main 

l Low carbon steel 

l 316 Stainless steel 

Figure 18. - Extrusion billet design for producing tantalum/316 stainless steel tubing using a mandrel extrusion method. 

a carbon steel nosepiece were also used. The assembly was welded as shown, then 
outgassed and sealed at an elevated temperature . The original overall billet size was 
calculated to produce a tube about 6. 1 meters (~20 ft) long at a reduction ratio of 32:1. 
The final extrusion conditions selected were 1000° C (1830° F) and a reduction ratio of 
25:1. The particulars of the billet assembly process and the extensive development 
program required to produce sound tubing, heretofore unpublished, are presented in the 
appendix. Thirteen tubes, approximately 4.6 meters (15 ft) long, were successfully 
produced and prepared for subsequent evaluation (to be discussed in a later section) . 

Hot coextruded tubing - filled billet. - The filled-billet configuration (fig. 19) con- 
sisted of a plain carbon steel core over which was tightly fit, in turn, a Ta cylinder and 
a stainless-steel cylinder . A nose piece and tail piece, also of carbon steel, were 


Figure 19. - Extrusion billet design for producing tantalum/ 316 stainless steel tubing using a filled billet method. 

welded to the 316 SS outer cy liner . The assembly was then outgassed and sealed at an 
elevated temperature. The overall billet size was calculated to produce a tube about 
6.1 meters (20 ft) long at a reduction ratio of 20:1. The nominal extrusion temperature 
was about 1030° C (1880° F). The particulars of the billet assembly process and the ex- 
trusion process, heretofore unpublished, are presented in the appendix. Twenty tubes, 
greater than 4.6 meters (15 ft) long, were successfully produced and prepared for sub- 
sequent evaluation (to be discussed in a later section) . 

Explosion welded tubing . - The billet configuration used for explosion welding is 
shown in figure 20. The Ta tubing was dimpled by means of a special hydraulic tool. 
After degreasing, the inside of each tube was filled with Cerrobend-A using a vertical 
casting technique. Each tube was inspected to insure a void-free Cerrobend core. The 
bonding was performed with the Ta and 316 SS tubing fixed vertically in a hole in the 
ground. The explosive used was nitroguanadine powder packed around the outside diam- 
eter of the 316 SS tube and held in place by a 8. 9 -centimeter (3. 5-in.) diameter sur- 
rounding cardboard tube. The explosion welding technique was successfully developed 
to the point that 4.6-meter (15 -ft) long tubes could be produced. The process, however, 
had an inherent, undesirable characteristic, which was the lack of welding at the dimple 
locations. A more detailed description of the explosion welding procedure can be found 
in reference 24. Thermal cyclic testing of both the explosion welded tubing and the 
coextruded tubing is described in reference 1. 

Evaluation of tantalum/316 stainless steel bimetallic tubing . - Specimens of all 
three types of coextruded tubing were thoroughly evaluated at Westinghouse Astronuclear 
Laboratory under NASA contract (ref. 24). All of the tubing was carefully dimensionally 
inspected: outside diameter, inside diameter, length, and straightness. In addition, 
each tube was inspected by dye penetrant and ultrasonic techniques. 


Typical dimple, 

0.318 cm (0.125 in. ) 
diam by 0. 05 cm 
(0.020 in.) high — 

Area of contact 
is not bonded 
in final bimetal 

Tube filled with 
cerrobend alloy 


-Tantalum tube 

-316 Stainless 
steel tube 

-Cavity filled with 
expolosive powder - 
detonation cap at 
one end 




Figure 20. - Configuration and setup for explosion welding of tantalum/316 stainless 
steel bimetallic tubing. 

All three types of tubing had good dimensional control (figs. 21 to 23), although the 
inside diameter of the coextruded filled -billet tubing was extremely rough (fig. 21). 

The dye penetrant inspection revealed numerous inside and outside diameter surface 
defects on much of the coextruded filled-billet tubing . But the mandrel extruded and 
explosion welded tubing showed no surface defects. Ultrasonic inspection showed the 
filled-billet tubing to have a few nonwelded spots. And, as expected, the explosion 
welded tubing was nonwelded at the dimple locations, again, as determined by ultrasonic 
inspection. The mandrel -extruded tubing had no nonwelded defects. Metallography re- 
vealed that both of the coextruded types of tubing had continuous welds and no significant 
intermetallic layers were observed at the bimetal interfaces. Conversely, the explo- 
sion welded tubing showed a nearly continuous hard intermetallic layer at the bimetal 
interface resulting from the incipient melting that occurs during the explosion welding 
of the two surfaces . 

The test program consisted of thermal cycling between 320° and 730° C (600° and 
1350° F) for 100 cycles to determine the effect of thermal stress on the bimetal weld 
interfaces. Biaxial creep burst tests at 730° C (1350° F) were also conducted using in- 
ternal gas pressurization. It was observed that the nonwelded spots on the explosion 
welded tubing propagated along the weld interface during thermal cycling. The coex- 


Figure 21. - Transverse section of Tantalum/316 stainless 
steel tubing produced by a filled billet method (ref. 24). 
Un etched. 

Figure 22. - Transverse section of Tantalum/316 stainless steel tubing pro- 
duced by a Mandrel extrusion method (ref. 24). Unetched. 

Figure 23. - Transverse section of Tan.talum/316 stainless 
steel tubing produced by explosion welding (ref. 24). 

truded types showed no noticeable change. After considering all test results for the 
three types of tubing, it was concluded that the tubing coextruded over a mandrel was the 
best primarily because of the combination of good surface finish, dimensional control, 
and general integrity during testing. The details of the evaluation program can be found 
in reference 24. 

Tantalum/316 Stainless Steel Transition Joint Development 

General . - As stated previously, the double containment boiler design required 
Ta/316 SS inlet and outlet transition joints. To satisfy initial requirements, trial joints 
of this type were procured from two suppliers: the General Electric Company and the 
Nuclear Metals Division of the Whittaker Corporation. The General Electric joints were 
produced using a brazed tongue- in-groove design. The braze alloy used was J-8400 
(Co-21Cr-21Ni-8Si-2. 5W-0. 8B-0. 4C). The Nuclear Metals joints were hot coextruded 
over a mandrel and had a tandem, tapered interface design. Several joints of each type 
were produced and evaluated. Both types of joints were operated in three full-scale 
SNAP-8 boilers that were built at Lewis. Also, testing of several joints of each type 
was performed by Aerojet General Corporation. Results of these tests indicated that 
both joint types required additional fabrication optimization before being considered 
adequate for 100 startup cycles and 5 years of service at 730° C (1350° F). During the 
Aerojet testing, some of the brazed joints showed a serious lack of braze filling. Some 
of the coextruded tandem joints showed flaws at the interface between the Ta and 316 SS 
on the outer circumference, which propagated during test. Asa result of these deter- 
minations, programs were initiated to optimize the fabrication procedure for each joint. 


A third joint design, best described as a sleeve joint, was added to this development 
effort. Basically, the new joint was a large diameter, heavy -wall bimetallic tube ma- 
chined to a joint configuration, and thus it was basically an extension of the technology 
acquired during the development and testing of the coextruded bimetallic tubing. It of- 
fered several potential advantages over the other types of joint. For example, the sleeve 
joint, as a bimetallic tube, could be extended toward the SNAP-8 turbine or Hg pump if 
corrosion effects in the Hg vapor line to the turbine, or liquid Hg line from the pump, 
became significant. This extension was, of course, not possible with the other two 
joints. Another advantage would be the long interface length. If interfacial separation 
occurred, it would have to propagate a much longer distance with the sleeve joint than 
with the tandem (3. 81 cm (1,50 in.) long interface) or brazed joint (1. 90 cm (0. 75 in.) long 
interface) . Also, a sleeve joint would be much easier to inspect by ultrasonic techniques 
than either of the other two. Another important advantage would be that a piece of the 
actual joint could be destructively , as well as nondestructively, examined in the as- 
fabricated condition by merely removing a ring from either end. It was obviously not 
possible to destructively examine either the tandem or brazed joint in the as-fabricated 

The brazed joint fabrication optimization program was conducted by the General 
Electric Company. The fabrication optimization program for the two coextruded joints 
was conducted by Nuclear Metals. The three types of joint and their dimensions are 
shown in figure 24. 

Brazed joints . - A major change to the brazed joint configuration was made for this 
program. In the early brazed joint design, the tongue of the tongue -in -groove design was 
stainless steel and the groove was Ta.. For the joints produced under this program, this 
was reversed: the Ta became the tongue and the stainless steel the groove. This ar- 
rangement was considered more satisfactory from several standpoints, which included 
lower joint stress, better braze filling, and improved cleaning efficiency before brazing. 
The brazing process consisted of several steps. The components were assembled in a 
vertical position, and the braze alloy (J-8400) was applied as a slurry. The assembly 
was then positioned in a vacuum furnace, and the furnace was evacuated to a pressure of 
less than 6.7x10"° newton per square meter (0. 5x10 ° torr). The assembly was heated 
to the brazing temperature, held at temperature for a brief time, and then cooled slowly. 
Extensive experimentation revealed that minimum braze microshrinkage could be 
achieved by brazing either at 1180° C (2160° F) for 5 minutes or at 1230° C (2250° F) 
for 1 minute and cooling at a rate of 15° C (25° F) per minute during braze solidification. 

Another program goal, in addition to determining an optimum fabrication procedure, 
was to ascertain a reliable ultrasonic inspection method for determining the quality of 
the joints. The capability of ultrasonics to accurately delineate braze integrity was 
demonstrated by correlating inspection data with physical microstructures of actual pro- 
totype joints. 



U. 760) 

Brazed Joint 

y— 316 Stainless steel 

Tandem tapered joint 


beam weld-\ ,f - 316 Stainless steel 

Figure 24. - Tantalum/316 stainless steel transition joint configuration. 
(All dimensions are in cm (in. ). ) 

Figure 25. - Longitudinal section of brazed joint in the as-brazed condition (ref. 27). 

Twelve 5. 1 -centimeter (2 -in.) outside diameter tubular joints were successfully 
brazed, and their quality verified by ultrasonic inspection. A typical brazed joint longi- 
tudinal cross section is shown in figure 25. The details of this fabrication optimization 
program can be found in reference 25. 

Hot coextruded joints . - The extrusion optimization program for the coextruded tan- 
dem and sleeve joints included scrupulous control of prebillet assembly cleaning proce- 
dures and careful outgassing and sealing procedures. Also, Ta foil was used in the billet 
assembly to getter any entrapped air. Several trial billets of each type of joint were ex- 
truded at different temperatures and extrusion ratios. Based on the examination of the 
trial extrusions, the extrusion conditions for the final joints were decided upon. The 
tandem joints were extruded at 995° C (1825° F) at a 5:1 extrusion ratio; the sleeve 
joints were extruded at 1070° C (1950° F) at an 8:1 extrusion ratio. Twelve tandem 
joints were produced. A longitudinal cross section of a typical joint is shown in fig- 
ure 26. Eight sleeve extrusions were made from which 16 sleeve joints were obtained, 
since each extrusion was over 61.0 centimeters (24 in.) long. The sleeve cross section 
was similar to that for coextruded tubing (fig . 22) except that the total wail thickness was 
0.89 centimeter (0.35 in.). 

Figure 26. - Longitudinal section of coextruded joint in the as-extruded condition 
(ref. 27). Unetched. 


In addition, two smaller sleeve extrusions were produced with 1.91 -centime ter 
(0.75-in.) inside diameters and the same Ta and 316 SS thicknesses as the large sleeve 
extrusions. Because these extrusions were over 1.0 meter (40 in.) long, three sleeve 
joints were obtained from each. These joints were designed to be used at the Hg inlet of 
the double containment boiler. The details of this fabrication optimization program can 
be found in reference 26 . * 

Evaluation of joints . - Several joints of each of the three joint types were tested and 
thoroughly evaluated by Westinghouse Astronuclear Laboratory under Lewis contract 
(ref. 27). In order to simulate the stress imposed by the double -containment boiler end 
flange, a stainless-steel collar was attached to the sleeve joints by means of electron 
beam welding. Each joint was carefully dimensionally inspected (outside and inside di- 
ameters, length, and straightness). In addition, each joint was inspected by helium leak, 
dye penetrant, and ultrasonic techniques. The wall thickness of the sleeve joints varied 
considerably because the as -extruded sleeves had been insufficiently straightened before 
machining. The taper lengths of the tandem joints varied from 2. 56 to 4.24 centimeters 
(1.01 to 1.67 in.). The dimensions of the brazed joints showed no significant variation. 

A few minor surface defects were discovered in each group of joints by the dye penetrant 
technique. But helium leak checking and the ultrasonic inspection showed no significant 
potential problem areas . 

The joint testing program consisted of thermal cycling four of each type of joint be- 
tween 120° and 730° C (250° and 1350° F); two of each type of joint were unpressurized, 
and two were pressurized to 1.83 meganewtons per square meter (265 psia) with argon 
to simulate boiler operation. Each joint was cycled 100 times; the holding times at 
730° C (1350° F) varied from 2 to 10 hours, but two 100-hour soaks were included. In 
addition, several of the joints were subjected to a 1000-hour soak at 730° C (1350° F) 
prior to their final 10 cycles. The joints were thoroughly nondestructively inspected 
periodically by the aforementioned techniques as the thermal cycling progressed. 

None of the joints tested showed leaks as determined by the helium leak check. But 
the dye penetrant and ultrasonic inspection revealed that the condition of all joints de- 
teriorated somewhat during testing. The coextruded sleeve and tandem joints were con- 
siderably worse than the brazed joints in this regard. The sleeve and tandem joint de- 
terioration consisted primarily of fissures at or near the Ta/316 SS interface. The 
brazed joints displayed a small amount of microcracking in the braze. An illustration 
of the fissuring is shown in figure 27. In addition, the sleeve joints bowed somewhat 
during test, and both the sleeve and tandem joints displayed diametral contraction in the 

Also in this program, an attempt was made to produce 1.65-cm (0.652-in.) i.d. 
bimetallic tubing using thin, rolled -up fine-grained Ta sheet in place of seamless Ta 
tubing and a filled -billet technique. This effort was not successful. 


<a> inside-diameter fissure in stainless steel area. 

(b) Outside-diameter fissure in Tantalum area. 

Figure 27. - Longitudinal sections of coextruded joint after thermal cycling, showing bond line fissures. 

bimetal transition area. No significant interdiffusion between the Ta and 316 SS or Ta, 
braze, and 316 SS was observed as a result of temperature exposure, and none of any 
significance would be expected over a 5-year period, based on calculated diffusion rates. 
It was concluded that, although none of the joints actually failed in test, the sleeve and 
tandem joints indicated a need for future development before they could be considered 
acceptable for SNAP-8 service. The brazed joint, having demonstrated good dimen- 
sional stability and joint durability was concluded to be the best candidate for SNAP -8 
use (at the current state of development) . 

This conclusion was reinforced by a review of some earlier testing of similar 
Ta/316 SS brazed joints. A 10-centimeter (2.5-in.) outside diameter brazed joint had 


survived 150 severe thermal shocks in a high flow velocity Hg test system without ap- 
parent damage (ref. 28). Also, failures during 730° C (1350° F) tensile tests of brazed 
joint configurations had never occurred in the braze itself (ref. 17). Finally, several 
brazed joints had been used in Hg boiler tests with good results from both a corrosion 
and structural standpoint. 


Although work on the SNAP-8 pregram has been terminated, it should be recognized 
that much of the materials technology that was developed could well be applicable to 
other systems. For example, a mercury -rankine system is being developed to power an 
artificial heart. Investigators involved in this development are using corrosion informa- 
tion generated under the SNAP-8 program. Also, it is likely that some of the NaK cor- 
rosion information could be used in nuclear reactor systems for land-based power (e.g. , 
breeder reactors). 

The Ta tensile, creep, and low-cycle fatigue testing has thoroughly described this 
material’s properties in a temperature range where previously little data were avail- 
able. Also, basic designs for refractory metal /stainless steel bimetallic welds were 
developed; these could easily be applied to other dissimilar bimetallic systems. Var- 
ious types of refractory metal/stainless steel bimetallic tubing produced by techniques 
developed under the SNAP-8 program could be used in heat-pipe applications. Or, with 
a reduced amount of refractory metal, it could be used in commercial chemical systems 
where the corrosion resistance of refractory metals would extend tubing life greatly. 
Refractory metal /stainless steel bimetallic transition joints produced by techniques de- 
veloped under the SNAP-8 program are being utilized in thermoelectric modules for 
space power systems and could be used in other advanced power systems. Many other 
applications of the technology developed are, of course, possible. 


Several major conclusions can be drawn based on the materials technology efforts 
summarized in this report: 

1. Tantalum, niobium - 1-percent zirconium, and alloy T- 111 (Ta-8W-2Hf), unlike 
more conventional cobalt and iron-base alloy containment materials such as L-605 and 
9 chromium-1 molybdenum steel, should not be affected by liquid Hg exposure at tem- 
peratures at least up to 650° C (1200° F). 

2. The sodium -potassium eutectic alloy (NaK) corrosion rates of the major SNAP -8 
primary reactor loop materials Hastelloy N and 316 SS appear to be acceptably low (less 


than 0.004 cm/10^ hr or 0.0015 in. /10^ hr) at temperatures up to 700° C (1300° F) pro- 
viding the oxygen level in the NaK is maintained at less than 30 ppm. 

3. Tantalum having a uniformly distributed oxygen concentration of 115 ppm or less 
will not be attacked by NaK at temperatures up to 730° C (1350° F) . 

4. Uniaxial creep testing of Ta tubing at 730° C (1350° F) revealed a strong depen- 
dence of creep strength on grain size, the fine-grained tantalum being considerably more 
creep resistant. 

5. Low-cycle fatigue testing of unalloyed Ta bar at temperatures up to 730° C 
(1350° F) revealed that the Ta low-cycle fatigue life at the maximum plastic strain range 
(0.02 cm/cm (in. /in.)) to which it would be exposed in the SNAP-8 system should be in 
excess of 1000 cycles at temperatures up to 730° C (1350° F) . 

6. Several different welded joint designs using refractory metal /austenitic alloy bi- 
metallic tubing can be successfully produced. The three basic configurations produced 
in this program were a straight butt joint, a tee joint, and a tube-to-header joint. 

7. The most suitable refractory metal/austenitic alloy bimetallic couple for fabri- 
cation into tubing for mercury containment service at temperatures up to 730° C 
(1350° F) was determined to be tantalum/type 316 stainless steel (Ta/316 SS). 

8. The preferred fabrication method for producing Ta/316 SS bimetallic tubing was 
determined to be hot coextrusion over a mandrel. The two other techniques attempted, 
hot filled -billet coextrusion and explosion welding, had significant deficiencies. 

9. A brazed Ta/316 SS tubular bimetallic transition joint is considered to be the best 
candidate for SNAP-8 use at the current state of development. The other two types of 
joint, the hot -coextruded sleeve and tandem, require further development before they 
could be considered acceptable for SNAP -8 service. 

Lewis Research Center, 

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 

Cleveland, Ohio, May 7, 1973, 




In order to provide the SNAP- 8 system with reliable Ta/316 SS bimetallic tubing for 
use in the mercury boiler, it was necessary to optimize tubing fabrication techniques. 

A program was conducted by the Nuclear Metals Division of the Whittaker Corporation 
that utilized hot extrusion over a mandrel to produce the tubing, and it involved a fairly 
extensive study of the extrusion variables associated with this process. The other pro- 
gram, conducted by the Metaionics Division of the Kawecki Chemical Corporation, in- 
volved hot extrusion of a filled billet. This study was much less extensive and was 
basically limited to applying extrusion conditions previously developed for other applica- 
tions. The purpose of this appendix is to describe these two extrusion programs since 
neither of them have been reported previously. 

Billet Component Preparation 

After machining to the sizes indicated in figure 28, the seamless mild -steel compo- 
nents were outgassed at about 1010° C (1850° F) for 24 hours in a heated vacuum retort. 
Following cooling and removal from the retort, they were stored in plastic bags with a 
dehumidifying agent until required for assembly. 

Similarly, the machined 316 SS sleeves were scrubbed with a detergent solution, 
and rinsed with tap water, distilled water, acetone, and ethanol. 

The Ta sleeve was machined to the size needed for the first extrusions. It was de- 
greased with trichloroethylene and then acetone. Then it was chemically etched in a 
solution composed of one volume hydrofluoric acid (49 percent assay), two volumes 
sulfuric acid (96 percent assay), and two volumes nitric acid (70 percent assay). This 
solution was used to remove a 0.0025- to 0. 0051-centimeter (0.001- to 0.002-in.) thick 
surface layer from the Ta. The chemical etch was followed by a thorough tap water 
rinse, a distilled water rinse, an acetone rinse, and an alcohol rinse. 

Immediately after the Ta was cleaned, the billets were assembled into the configura- 
tion shown in figure 28. First the steel end closures (one with an evacuation tube) were 
welded, and then the shaped nose piece was attached. After helium leak checking, the 
billet was ready for copper plating, outgassing, and sealoff. 

The assembled billets were electroplated with copper by a standard procedure that 
began with a thorough degreasing of the exterior in a trichloroethylene bath. The clean 


,635 (0.25) 

/-Low carbon steel 
✓—Low carbon steel 
/- Copper, 0. 013 (0. 005) thick 
—Low carbon steel 

— Low carbon steel 
(normally tack 
welded to mai n 

\ u 316 Stainless steel 

'-Evacuation tube 

figure 28. - Extrusion billet design for producing tantalum/316 stainless steel tubing using a mandrel extrusion method. Extrusion ratio, 25:1. 

(All dimensions are in cm (in. ). ) 

billet was then dipped in a hydrochloric acid solution, rinsed in tap water, and trans- 
ferred to a copper cyanide plating bath where it received a flash coating of copper. The 
final coating of copper, 0.038 centimeter (0.015 in.) thick on the outer surface of the 
tubular billet and 0.0076 to 0.0127 centimeter (0.003 to 0.005 in.) thick on the interior 
of the billet, was applied in an acidified copper sulfate bath. The evacuation tube was 
protected during plating by a wrapping of electrical tape. 


The billets were attached to a vacuum system and evacuated to 1.33x10 newton 
per square meter (10"^ torr) and then slowly heated to 430° C (800° F). After at least 
4 hours at 430° C (800° F) or until outgassing was completed, the billets were slowly 
cooled to room temperature . Sealoff was accomplished by torch heating the evacuation 
tube to bright red heat, then hammering it flat close to the end plate, and melting off 
the excess. The copper on the sealed -off billets was abraded to remove oxide formed 
during outgassing, washed with trichloroethylene , then spray -coated with a dry graphite 
film lubricant, after which the billets were ready for loading into the furnace. 

Extrusion Procedures 

The tools, 18-4-1 steel (hardened to Rockwell C 58 to 60 for the backers and man- 
drels) and H-21 or M-2 steel for the dies, were degreased with trichloroethylene, then 
heated in 480° C (900° F) furnaces for several hours until coated with an oxide film. 


They were then cooled and sprayed with a graphite lubricant. In addition, the dies were 
coated with Necrolene. The liner was wire brushed and blown free of any debris. 

The billets were heated in stainless steel retorts flooded with flowing argon. The 
retorts containing the billets were heated for a minimum of 3 ^ hours in a resistance 

Extrusions were made in a 1.2 5 -meganewton (1400 -ton) hydropress, using a 7.72- 
centimeter (3. 050 -in.) inside diameter liner. The maximum force available to the liner 
was 6.8 meganewtons (770 tons). 

Overheating and softening of mandrels was minimized by attaching them to the stem, 
which was attached to the main ram of the press. A roll pin was generally adequate to 
maintain proper alinement of the mandrel. Further assurance of proper alinement was 
provided by a graphite sleeve, which tightly fit both the stem and the mandrel backer. 

The sequence of operations was as follows: 

(1) Attach mandrel to stem. 

(2) Insert die in liner 7 to 10 minutes before extruding. 

(3) Lubricate mandrel and liner. 

(4) Remove billet from furnace and hand load until nose enters liner. 

(5) Extrude at a reduction ratio of 32:1. 

Several tubes were extruded over the temperature range 940° to 1090° C (1725° to 
2000° F) . Extrusion speeds varied over the range 2. 5 to 12.7 meters per minute (100 to 
500 in. /min) . A basic process was demonstrated in that tubing was successfully ex- 
truded nearly to the specified dimensions. Based on the tube surface condition, the op- 
timum extrusion temperature was determined to be 995° C (1825° F). The extrusion 
speed selected was 7.6 to 12.7 meters per minute (300 to 500 in. /min). 

initial Results 

Samples of the tubing subjected to microscopic study generally revealed a bondline 
layer less than 5xl0~ 5 centimeter (2xl0~ 5 in.) thick, but with protuberances as thick as 
1x10"^ centimeter (4x10 in.). 

When split lenghtwise, 5.1 -centimeter (2-in.) long samples removed from the mid- 
dles and the ends of several tubes revealed that the Ta surface was smooth and appar- 
ently defect free. A more complete examination of these and later tubes with a bore- 
scope revealed surface defects that appeared to be incipient tears. These appeared to 
be random in location in the tube, but they were alined longitudinally quite frequently. 
Although these tears appeared to be only about 0.005 centimeter (0.002 in.) deep, they 
were considered to be symptomatic of a potentially serious deficiency in the basic pro- 
cess. A detailed investigation into the causes of these tears was therefore conducted. 


Process Improvement 

The random occurrence of relatively localized defects suggested some defect in the 
materials composing the billet rather than in the extrusion technique . The Ta, which 
was rather large grained , was especially suspect. Unfortunately , all of the Ta stock 
was procured at the start of the program, hence, that parameter could not be varied. 

The tears could, however, also have been attributed to many other process variables 
and these were investigated. 

Honing of the Ta and heavy etching was first tried, but this produced no improve- 
ment. Then, the basic mismatch in stiffness of the components was checked by extrud- 
ing sheathed rods of Ta in tandem with stainless steel and comparing the extrusion con- 
stants. No serious mismatch problems were apparent between the materials used in the 
first billets; moreover, it did not appear possible to obtain a better match by adjusting 
the temperature within the range of extrusion temperatures available. 

Stiffness of the inner steel extrusion sheath was investigated by varying three pa- 
rameters. The first change from the basic process was to increase the thickness of the 
sheath to offset chilling from contact with the cold mandrel and to thereby provide less 
of a stiffness gradient through the sheath to the tantalum. Thick sheathing also provided 
assurance that the sheath was not tearing because of being extruded too thin. Secondly, 
a warm mandrel was used to further counteract chilling of the sheath. A third variation 
involved changing to a sheath material with a different stiffness than the low carbon steel. 

The first trial extrusion showed that roughly double the inner sheath thickness was 
not beneficial. The next extrusion indicated that a double sheath thickness with a warm 
mandrel might be a step in the right direction. Continued improvement of the inside - 
diameter surface of succeeding extrusions occurred as the inner sheath was increased in 
thickness. Other attempts to adjust the stiffness of the inner sheath by using materials 
other than low carbon steel or by increasing the thickness of the copper outside of the 
steel resulted in no marked improvement. Unsuccessfully used as inner sheath materials 
were copper, copper - 30-percent nickel, and Monel . 

Lowering the extrusion reduction, which frequently alleviates tearing problems, was 
explored as another alternative. This appeared to result in a better Ta surface. 

Other changes were also incorporated into the process. The first billets were 
heated on their sides in argon -flooded stainless steel retorts. In this position, forced 
contact of billet components might permit localized interaction of the components, and 
this could conceivably produce embrittlement of the Ta surface , which would then tear 
while being extruded. Opportunity for such interaction was minimized by heating sub- 
sequent billets vertically (standing on their noses) either inside graphite cans or directly 
exposed to the nitrogen furnace atmosphere. 

All but one vertically heated tube appeared to be tear-free. Therefore, although 
the conclusion that vertical heating prevented tears could not be drawn, it was decided 


to include it in the process. Heating inside graphite cans or directly in nitrogen did not 
appear to make a difference in the quality of the extrusions. 

The results of this study led to the following conclusions: 

(1) Changing temperatures in the range 940° to 1090° C (1725° to 2000° F) with rela- 
tively thin inner steel extrusion sheaths did not appear to prevent tears in the Ta. 

(2) Softer (all copper) or staffer (Monel) inner extrusion sheaths did not produce a 
good Ta surface. 

(3) The effect of various inner sheathing materials merits further investigation, al- 
though both copper (a soft material) and Monel (a stiff material) permitted surface tears. 
One possibility is the use of 316 SS for the inner sheath. This could be readily dissolved 
by aqua regia without affecting the external 316 SS. 

(4) The use of a warm mandrel in combination with a low reduction ratio and a 
thick steel inner sleeve (0.51 cm (0.2 in.) wall) minimized or eliminated tearing. 

Postextrusion Processing 

Some of the early tubes were stretch -straightened with less than 1.5 percent per- 
manent strain. The straightening was done on a hydraulic draw bench equipped with two 
sets of grips, one on the ram and one attached to the rear of the bench. The ends of the 
tube were fitted with steel plugs to prevent the tube from collapsing. It was found that a 
1.2- to 1. 5-percent permanent strain was adequate to straighten the tubes. 

Removal of the bulk of the extrusion jacket was accomplished by use of a nitric acid 
solution. Concentrations of 30 to 50 volume percent of nitric acid (70 percent assay) 
with water were suitable. Frequently, pinhead-size pieces of steel became passivated. 
These were attacked by numerous methods such as heating the nitric acid solution to 
boiling. Hydrochloric acid appeared to be capable of removing the traces of steel if 
given enough time. Aqua regia seemed to perform most rapidly; however, there was 
some indication that the steel could also become passivated to this. All of the methods 
for removing the steel were intermingled for most of the tubing made in this pregram. 
The tubes were subjected to successive treatments until nothing that could be suspected 
of being steel could be seen on the Ta. Further study of techniques for the removal of 
passivated steel in such tubes is desirable. 

A final chemical polish of the Ta was obtained using a solution of the same composi- 
tion as that used to prepare the Ta billet components for extrusion. About 10 minutes in 
this solution at 40° C (110° F) cleaned the tubes and appeared to remove a layer of Ta 
about 0.0025 centimeter (0.001 in.) thick. This procedure also needs improvement. 
More uniform attack would probably occur if the solution were slowly circulated through 
the tube by an air lift or by an acid pump. During the program the tubes were rolled 
and occasionally partially drained and then refilled by raising and lowering their ends. 


The chemical polish was completed by transferring the tubes to a cold water rinse, 
followed by a hot water rinse . The tubes were then raised to a vertical position to drain . 
Acetone poured through the tube hastened the drying. 

The straightened tubes were centerless polished on an abrasive -belt, centerless 
polishing machine. A 10. 2 -centime ter (4-in.) wide, 320-grit silicon carbide belt was 
adequate to remove about a 0.0025- to 0.0076 -centimeter (0.001- to 0.003-in.) thick 
surface layer in one pass and leave a 16 rms surface finish. A water based coolant was 
used. A 4. 6 -meter (15-ft) tube required about 10 minutes to pass through the machine. 

Final Processing Conditions 

The development program resulted in procedures that could produce straight tubing 
with the tantalum - stainless steel well welded and with polished stainless steel sur- 
faces. The surface of the Ta was not as smooth as desired, but no tears were ob- 
servable. Since both a heavy inner steel extrusion sheath and a lower reduction pro- 
duced tear-free Ta, these two techniques were combined to form the basis of the subse- 
quent processing. 

In order to verify the final process, a trial batch of three tubes was made and the 
interiors were carefully examined for tears. About 3.7 meters (12 ft) of one tube was 
split lengthwise to preclude any confusion due to bore sc ope inspection. All tubes were 
tear -free; some heavy ripples were apparent near the ends of two of the tubes and near 
the middle of the third tube . 

The quality of the three tubes was considered an adequate verification of the extru- 
sion process so that the remaining stock could be extruded. The ripples in the Ta sur- 
face indicated that the process was not, however, fully optimized. 

The billets for the final tubing utilized a 0. 51-centimeter (0. 2-in. ) thick inner steel 
extrusion sheath. The billets were extruded at 995° C (1825° F) at a reduction ratio of 
25:1 and an extrusion speed of 12. 7 meters per minute (500 in. /min). The tool steel 
mandrels were heated to 480° C (900° F). 

After straightening, removal of the extrusion jacket by pickling, and chemical and 
mechanical polishing, the tubes were given a final inspection and found to be acceptable. 


All components were machined to the billet design shown in figure 29. No ma- 
chining of the outside diameter of the stainless was necessary. Following all the ma- 
chining operations, each steel component was vapor degreased with trichloroethylene 
and then degassed at 1065° C (1950° F) in a vacuum of 1.33x10“^ newton per square 


Figure 29. - Extrusion billet design for producing tantalum/316 stainless steel tubing using a filled billet method. 
(All dimensions are in cm (in. ). ) 

meter (10”^ torr). After the vacuum degassing operation, each part was cleaned in ace- 
tone and assembled. Careful attention was paid not to get contaminants on any of the 
pieces before assembly. The unit was then welded together. Sealing was performed at 
540° C (1000° F) in a vacuum of 1. 33x10"^ newton per square meter (10“® torr). 

After evacuation and sealing, the billets were inserted into a furnace which was at 
the prescribed extrusion temperature. The furnace door was sealed, and argon was 
pumped into the furnace. The heating time was approximately hours. Graphite cut- 
offs were inserted into the furnace with the billets. The billets were then extruded at 
1.0 meter per minute (40 in. /min) through zirconium oxide coated die (2.1 cm 
(0.0830 in.) diam) at a 45° approach angle. The force required to start the push was 
5. 9 meganewtons (660 tons) rising to a peak of 6. 8 meganewtons (770 tons). A9.1- 
centimeter (3. 600-in. ) liner, and a graphite lubricant were used. The billet extrusion 
temperatures ranged between 990° and 1060° C (1810° and 1940° F) although most were 
extruded at 1030° C (1880° F). Use of the higher extrusion temperature appeared to 
result in an overall better surface finish. 

After extrusion, the rods were straightened while they were still hot and allowed to 
cool in air to room temperature. The ends were trimmed to leave approximately 
4.9-meter (16 -ft) lengths, and the cores were removed. Core removal was accom- 
plished by nitric acid leaching at approximately 90° C (200° F) . The acid was pumped 
into the tubes. 


The outside diameter was belt ground to a 2.07-centimeter (0. 815-in.) diameter fol- 
lowing a cold hand straightening operation. The inside diameter was sized by pulling a 
torpedo type of mandrel through the tube. About four to five passes were necessary to 
achieve the size required. Only protruding hills of Ta (0.0127 to 0.0203 cm (0.005 to 
0.008 in.)) on the inside diameter were displaced. The tubes were thoroughly vapor de- 
greased following the sizing operations. 

The oxide formed in the core removal operation was removed from the inside sur- 
face by a honing operation. Specifically, 80 -mesh aluminum oxide was blown through the 
tube using tank nitrogen. 



1. Anon.: SNAP-8 Electrical Generating System Development Program. Aerojet- 

General Corp. (NASA CR-72860), July 15, 1971. 

2. Rosenblum, Louis; Scheuermann, Coulson; Barrett, Charles A. ; and Lowdermilk, 

Warren H . : Mechanism and Kinetics of Corrosion of Selected Iron and Cobalt 
Alloys in Refluxing Mercury. NASA TN D-4450, 1968. 

3. Vary, Alex; Scheuermann, Coulson M. ; Rosenblum, Louis; and Lowdermilk, 

Warren H. : Corrosion in a Cobalt Alloy, Two-Phase Mercury Loop. NASA TN 
D-5326, 1969. 

4. Owens, James J. ; Nejedlik, James F. ; and Vogt, J. William: The SNAP-2 Power 

Conversion System Topical Report, No. 7. Rep. ER-4103, TRW, Inc. , Oct. 26, 

5. Nejedlik, James F. : The SNAP-2 Power Conversion System Topical Report No. 14. 

Rep. ER-4461, TRW, Inc., 1962. 

6. Cooper, D. B. ; and Vargo, E. J. : Operation of a Forced Circulation, Croloy 9M, 

Mercury Loop to Study Corrosion Product Separation Techniques. NASA CR-217, 

7. Farwell, B. E.; Yee, D.; and Nakazato, S. : A 9Cr-lMo Steel as a Mercury Con- 

tainment Material for the SNAP -8 Boiler, Rep. 3661, Aerojet -General Corp. 
(NASA CR-72503) , Jan. 1968. 

8. Weeks, J. R. : Liquidus Curves and Corrosion of Fe, Cr, Ni, Co, V, Cb, Ta, Ti, 

and Zr in 500° - 750° C Mercury. Corrosion, vol. 23, no. 4, Apr. 1967, 
pp. 98-106. 

9. Engle, L. B. , Jr,; and Harrison, R. W. : Corrosion Resistance of Tantalum, 

T-lll, and Cb-lZr to Mercury at 1200° F. NASA CR-1811, 1971. 

10. Derow, H. ; et al. : Evaluation of Tantalum for Mercury Containment in the SNAP -8 

Boiler. Rep. 3680, Aerojet-General Corp. (NASA CR-72651), Nov. 1969. 

11. Chalpin, E. S. ; and Lombard, G. L. : Operation and Post-Test Inspection of the 

SNAP-8 Pre -Prototyped Boiler P/N CF 751840, S/N2. Rep. AGC-TM-4967: 
70-616, Aerojet-General Corp. (NASA CR-72960) , Feb. 24, 1970. 

12. Hendrixson, W. H. ; and Harrison, R. W, : SNAP- 8 Refractory Boiler Develop- 

ment. Topical Report 3: Evaluation of SNAP -8, SN-1 Boiler. Rep. GESP-550, 
General Electric Co. (NASA CR-72814), Nov. 3, 1970. 


13. Young, Stanley G. ; and Johnston, James R. : Accelerated Cavitation Damage of 

Steels and Superalloys in Liquid Metals. NASA TN D-3426, 1966. 

14. Kemppainen, D. J. ; and Hammitt, F. G. : Cavitation-Erosion Characteristics of 

Selected Materials in Mercury at 500° F. Rep. TR-03424-21-T, Univ. Michigan 
(NASA CR- 87000) , Apr. 1967. 

15. Savage, H. W.;etal. : SNAP -8 Corrosion Program. Rep. ORNL-3898, Oak Ridge 

National Lab. (NASA CR-69822), Dec. 1965. 

16. Harrison, R. W.: SNAP -8 Refractory Boiler Development: Corrosion of Oxygen 

Contaminated Tantalum in NaK . NASA CR- 1.850 , 1971. 

17. Spagnuolo, Adolph C.: Evaluation of Tantalum -to-Stainless -Steel Transition Joints. 

NASA TMX-1540, 1968. 

18. Spagnuolo, Adolph C.; and Stone, Phillip L, : Tensile Properties of Unalloyed Tan- 

talum at Temperatures Up to 1350° F (1000° K). NASA TM X-52670, 1969. 

19. Sheffler, K. D. : Generation of Long Time Creep Data on Refractory Alloys at Ele- 

vated Temperatures. Rep. TRW-ER-7442, TRW, Inc., 1970. 

20. LaForce, R.: Berning, R. F.; and Coffin, L. F., Jr.: High -Temperature, Low- 

Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Tantalum. NASA CR-1930, 1971. 

21. Kass, J. N.; and Stoner, D. R. : Joining Refractory /Austenitic Bimetal Tubing. 

Rep. WANL-PR-(ZZ)-002, Westinghouse Electric Corp. (NASA CR-72353), 1967. 

22. Stoner, D. R. : Joining Refractory /Austenitic Bimetal Tubing. Rep. WANL-PR- 

(ZZ)-001, Westinghouse Electric Corp. (NASA CR-72275), Oct. 1966. 

23. Buckman, R. W. , Jr.; and Goodspeed, R. C. : Evaluation of Refractory /Austenitic 

Bimetal Combinations. NASA CR- 15.16.., 1970. 

24. Kass, J. N. ; and Stoner, D. R. : Evaluation of Tantalum/316 Stainless Steel Bi- 

metallic Tubing. NASA CR-1575, 1970. 

25. Thompson, S. R. ; Marble, J. D. ; and Ekvall, R. A. : Development of Optimum 

Fabrication Techniques for Brazed Tantalum/Type 316 Stainless Steel Tubular 
Transition Joints. Rep. GESP-521, General Electric Co. (NASA CR-72746), 


26. Friedman, Gerald I. : Co-Extruted Tantalum-316 Stainless Steel Bimetallic Joints 

and Tubing. Rep. NM-9904.10, Whittaker Corp. (NASA CR-72761), 1970. 

27. Stoner, D. R. : Evaluation of Tantalum/316 Stainless Steel Transition Joints. Rep. 

WANL-M-FR-72-006, Westinghouse Electric Corp. (NASA CR-12111), Dec. 1972. 


28. Thompson, S, R. : SNAP-8 Refractory Boiler Development Program: Mercury 
Thermal Shock Testing of 2-1/2-Inch-Diameter Bimetallic Joints for SNAP-8 
Applications. Rep. GESP-587, General Electric Co. (NASA CR-72829), 1970. 


NASA-Langley, 1973 17 








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